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What To Plant On Either Side Of Garage?

What To Plant On Either Side Of Garage?

When it comes to making your home look better from the street, landscaping should not be underestimated. The space on either side of your garage presents a unique opportunity to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property. You can create an inviting and aesthetically appealing entrance that will leave an impression on visitors and passersby by selecting and planting the right combination of plants. In this article, we’ll discuss some inventive ideas for what to plant on either side of your garage to convert it into an inviting focal point.

The Importance Of Garage Landscaping

The landscaping of your garage functions as an introduction to your property and sets the tone for the entire house. A beautiful landscape can mitigate the garage’s architectural lines, making it appear more at home. By selecting flora with care, you can create an environment that enhances the curb appeal and reflects your taste.

What To Plant On Your Garage’s Side?

The flora you select for the side of your garage will depend on the soil type. If the soil tends to remain dry (sandy soil), you will need plants that can withstand drought.

Plants For Garage Side With Dry Soil

The following plants are tolerant of arid soil on the side of a garage, and many are drought-tolerant as well:

Gray Dogwood –True to its name, the Gray Dogwood has gray foliage, white flowers, and fruit that begins green and turns white. Gray dogwood typically grows between 4 and 10 feet in height, making it ideal for the side of a garage.

Juniper –This evergreen coniferous shrub is a member of the cypress family. Choose a juniper height suitable for your garage, given its height can vary. This shrub blossoms during the fall, winter, and spring.

Spirea –This shrub is also referred to as meadowsweets and steeplebushes. As deciduous trees, they will shed their leaves in the autumn. The spirea produces dense clusters of numerous small blooms.

Lilac –Lilac is a deciduous floral shrub that is indigenous to the Balkan Peninsula. Lilac is well-known for its fragrant purple flowers, while its foliage is gray or brown. Its height of 6 to 7 feet makes it ideal for the side of a garage.

Bachelor’s Buttons – Bachelor’s Buttons is a common name for several species of annual floral plants. One of the most well-known is also called cornflower. Its blue flowers reach heights of 1.5 to 3 feet and are indigenous to Europe.

Rosemary- This perennial plant is indigenous for  Mediterranean region. Rosemary has aromatic leaves that are frequently employed as a seasoning. There are white, pink, blue, and purple flowers.   Rosemary can live up to 30 years, making it an excellent long-term option for the side of a garage.

Daylily –This perennial floral plant is not a true lily. The blossoms have a one-day lifespan, and some bloom at night. The daylily is native to Asia and is drought- and frost-tolerant.

Lavender – The flowering perennial lavender is a member of the mint family. The plant is both a herb and a source of essential oils. Lavender flowers can be blue, violet, or lilac and are aromatic.

Wet-Soil Side Of The Garage Plants

The following vegetation is tolerant of wet soil on a garage’s side:

Winterberry – This deciduous shrub is a native species of holly found in North America. These berries provide sustenance for birds like robins. Winterberry can reach heights of 3 to 16 feet, allowing it to ultimately outgrow a garage’s roof. The leaves are shiny and green, and the flowers are small and white.

Laurel –This is a family of flowering vegetation called laurels. Some members of the family, such as Sassafras, are deciduous. Others, such as bay leaf and genuine laurel, are evergreen. Aromatic bay leaves are frequently used in cooking. Laurel’s blossoms are pale yellow-green and appear in pairs next to each leaf.

Highbush Blueberry: This deciduous shrub grows between 6 and 12 feet tall and wide, which makes it a good choice for the side of a barn suitable for a garage’s side. The foliage is glossy and dark green in the summer, but they turn red, orange, yellow, or purple in autumn. The long, bell-shaped flowers range in color from ivory to pale pink. The best aspect is that this shrub produces edible berries! Remember that most blueberry species require hundreds of hours of chilling, so you need a cool winter, or you will not produce fruit.

Blue Phlox – This floral perennial grows to a height of 10 to 20 inches, making it an ideal ground cover for the side of a garage. The fragrant blossoms of Blue Phlox are blue, lavender, purple, pink, or white.

Primrose –Primrose is a floral plant with over 500 different species. Flowers may be violet, yellow, red, pink, blue, or white and blossom primarily in the spring. Certain primroses can persist in alpine environments.

Violet –This genus includes more than 500 species of flowering plants. The majority inhabit the Northern Hemisphere. Some violet species are perennial, while others are annual.

Plants For Garage Sides With Shallow Soil

There may not be much soil on the sides of your garage, or the soil may be stony. Whatever the case, the following plants have shallow roots and thrive in scant soil:

Arugula – This annual is a leaf vegetable with a somewhat astringent flavor.

Basil – this herb is frequently used as a seasoning. It complements tomatoes well. Basil is susceptible to frost and cold.

Celery – Celery is a marshland plant with a long stalk typically consumed whole or used in soups.

Kohlrabi – Kohlrabi is a member of the Brassica family, and its stem and leaves are edible.

Lettuce – Lettuce is an annual foliage vegetable belonging to the daisy family. 

Mint – Mint is a flowering plant belonging to the herb family. The aromatic leaves are used for cooking and making tea.

Onions – Onions are a bulb in the Allium family that, depending on the variety, can be very sweet and peppery.

Spinach – Spinach is a flowering annual plant cultivated for its edible foliage.

Plants For Garage Side Without Soil

There may be no soil on the side of your garage owing to a patio, brickwork, or concrete walkway. Even so, you can still cultivate vegetation on the side of your garage.

This can be accomplished by placing your plants in containers and arranging them as you see fit. Use any of the following materials for container gardening:

Clay pots –Clay containers are fragile and heavier than plastic, but they appear more attractive.

Plastic pots –Plastic containers are lighter than clay but less air and water-permeable.

Grow bags – these containers are permeable to oxygen and water. Roots are automatically pruned by air to prevent root-bound plants.

Raised garden boxes – Raised garden boxes can be constructed from wood, plastic, metal, or any other material that comes to mind.

As long as the container is sufficiently deep, you can cultivate anything, including:

Dwarf fruit trees –Choose a dwarf fruit tree variety that can withstand the cold in your region (consult the catalog for USDA Hardiness Zones).

Shrubs – Along the side of your garage, a run of juniper, holly, or arbor vitae will create an attractive appearance. Planting them in a container will prevent them from growing too tall, simplifying maintenance.

Flowers –You can use a container to cultivate any of the previously mentioned flowers. Keep in mind that containers tend to dry out more quickly than soil in the ground.

Herbs – most herbs can be grown outdoors in small containers and brought indoors for the winter if necessary.

Vegetables – since most vegetable harvests are annual, you must replant them annually. However, the reward for your hard work is fresh, domestic food.

Vines –clematis, ivy, and wisteria are flowering vines that can climb a trellis or arbor that would thrive on the side of a garage.

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